Friday, February 27, 2015

8/4/14 Points from Elder Bednar's talk about Preach My Gospel

There's a really good talk from Elder Bednar that explains what it means to be a "Preach My Gospel" Missionary.

The five main points in his talk basically outline simply what the principles of the book "Preach My Gospel" teach. PMG is awesome, it is a invaluable tool for anyone who wants to share how meaningful the gospel is to their friends and others, with Christ-like love.
So Elder Hardmann`s being a PMG Missionary includes things like inviting an investigator to be baptised in the first lesson and setting those expectations right up front so there's no confusion later as to why the missionaries want to meet. A lot of it has to do with teaching. A lot of it has to do with being a ready finder. A lot of it has to do with being a prepared planner.

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